During A Fire

Every Second Counts

How can I make it out of the house safely?

When escaping, people may only have a few minutes to make it out of their house alive. In especially rare cases, seconds. It is not worth it to risk your life in order to protect valuables. You have to be fast. Scream to alert the people living with you about the fire. Open doors slowly and shut them immediately if there is heavy smoke or visible fire. It is safest to travel by crawling, as there is heavier smoke and more poisonous gases higher up. If your clothes have caught on fire, stop, drop, and roll.

What should I do if all of my surrounding rooms are too dangerous to cross?

Before going opening a door, feel the door or doorknob. If it is hot, leave the door shut and try to find another exit. If there are no safe exits, cover cracks around doors or vents with cloth or duct tape. Call 9-1-1 and tell them where you are. Signal for help by the window. If you're at a low enough floor, throw bedding and cushions down. Attempt to jump out of the window onto it.